Consultant for the RISE-Haiti SPOTLIGHTpourManagement Sciences for Health|

Reaching Impact, Saturation, and Epidemic Control (RISE), a five-year global project funded by the U.S.
President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) and the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), works with countries to achieve a shared vision of attaining and maintaining epidemic control, with stronger local partners capable of managing and achieving results through sustainable, self-reliant,
and resilient health systems by 2024. RISE’s contributions to this work will lead to fewer new HIV infections,
decreased HIV-related morbidity and mortality, and increased quality of life for people living with HIV.
RISE is led by Jhpiego, with ICAP at Columbia University (ICAP), Management Sciences for Health (MSH), ANOVA Health Institute (ANOVA), BAO Systems, JHU Center for Public Health and Human Rights (JHU), and Mann Global Health (MGH). RISE enables USAID missions to access direct service delivery and technical assistance to achieve their PEPFAR targets.

RISE-Haiti SPOTLIGHT is hiring a consultant to contribute to technical activities in Haiti, under the
supervision of the RISE-Haiti SPOTLIGHT activity lead based in Haiti. The consultant will assist the
PNLS/MSPP to revise existing and/or develop new training materials for HIV providers that aim to
strengthen capacity and the provision of empathetic, culturally competent, stigma-free care. He/She will
work jointly with the PNLS to develop normative documents and tools that will be used by providers to
reduce ITT and increase continuity of treatment among PLHIV. The consultant will ensure that the
process of developing and validating materials is highly consultative and includes meaningful
participation of other HIV stakeholders, including PLHIV and ART clients, other MOH/directorates, local
civil society and university partners, PEPFAR implementing partners, and professional organizations and associations. The consultant will also lead the training of trainers on all the materials developed during his/her consultancy for our collaborating partners and the MSPP who will be responsible for rolling out the training

Description de taches

The consultant will undertake the following activities in conjunction with the RISE-Haiti SPOTLIGHT team:
? Identify, collect, review and summarize existing PNLS/MSSP training curriculum, modules, and
materials for HIV providers to provide empathetic care
? Identify, collect, review and summarize existing materials (local and international) on how to
improve client-centered service provision for people living with HIV, specifically related to:
? enhancing providers’ understanding, empathy and positive attitudes toward PLHIV and
key populations;
? supporting HIV providers to identify and address biases and stigmatizing attitudes and
? nurturing patient/provider trust through use of “appreciative inquiry” methods and
other strategies to foster a shared provider/patient decision-making process; and
? building stigma-free facility environments for HIV service provision.
These materials will serve as the technical reference guide for the materials that will be
developed during this consultancy.
? Provide broad perspective and specific insights on key gaps and opportunities for strengthening
the HIV competencies for compassionate care that are incorporated into in-service training
curriculum, modules, and materials for HIV providers.
? Revise and/or develop HIV compassionate care education modules for healthcare providers and
other staff involved in the healthcare facilities.
? Revise and/or develop accompanying materials that may be used at workplace HIV “Nudges” or
job prompts and reminders.
? Participate in relevant stakeholder meetings to review and revise the updated/new modules
and materials, documenting the participants and main points of each meeting.
? Lead the training of trainers (TOT) on the materials developed during the consultancy. If
necessary, coordinate additional consultants that will be recruited to support him/her in
conducting the training sessions.
? Coach the trainees during the first 2 months in rolling out the training within the healthcare
? Based on desk review, stakeholder meetings, and the delivery of trainings, provide broad
perspective and specific insights or recommendations for additional strategies and/or activities
to monitor and improve provider practices, if any

Profil du consultant ou des consultants ou de la firme

Advanced degree (Masters) in Public Health, Communication, Social sciences, Health
Management Sciences or related field required and at least five years of related experience.
? Experience designing educational programs/materials for health and/or HIV providers
? Good knowledge of the management of HIV/AIDS in Haiti
? Demonstrated experience in leading trainings on validated policy materials
Advanced degree (Masters) in Public Health, Communication, Social sciences, Health
Management Sciences or related field required and at least five years of related experience.
? Experience designing educational programs/materials for health and/or HIV providers
? Good knowledge of the management of HIV/AIDS in Haiti
? Demonstrated experience in leading trainings on validated policy materials
? Strong interpersonal skills coupled with excellent communication skills: verbal, written,
listening, presentation, and facilitation.
? Capacity to coordinate and work with team on a specific intervention
? Demonstrated strategic agility, diplomacy, conflict management, team building, written and oral
communication, and negotiation skills.
? Fluency in French required and Creole desirable; additional fluency in English an asset.
? Previous experience in public health work in Haiti is beneficial.
? Willingness and ability to travel within Haiti as needed.

Dossier d’appel d’offres

Cliquer ici pour télécharger le dossier complet d’appel d’offres

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08/12/2021 à 16:00