Strengthen HIV curriculum and trainings to reduce stigmapourManagement Sciences for Health|

RISE-Haiti SPOTLIGHT is a social medicine, HIV Provider Stigma and Discrimination Prevention Project activity that will lead to the development of materials and approaches to be rolled out by the Government of Haiti’s (GOH) HIV/AIDS National Program (PNLS) and implemented by health providers across the country.

RISE-Haiti SPOTLIGHT aims to support the GOH to achieve and sustain control of the HIV epidemic by
improving the quality of HIV services, particularly HIV treatment and care, in five targeted geographic
departments (Nord, Nord-Est, Ouest, Artibonite, and Sud), to aid in retaining new and continuing patients
in treatment, thereby contributing to UNAIDS 95-95-95 goals.
Specifically, this involves:
1. Enhancing HIV provider understanding, empathy and attitudes towards people living with HIV
2. Increasing provider/patient shared decision-making processes (PPSDMP);
3. Supporting the Ministry of Health (MOH) and PNLS to develop an approved national set of HIV
provider competencies, revision/development of protocols and standard operating procedures as
they relate to improving the patient/provider relationship; and
4. Supporting advocacy efforts to improve HIV providers, medical and nursing students’ curriculum
related to the provider/patient relationship.
In Haiti, RISE will work with the MOH and the PNLS, as well as other MOH/directorates and leadership at
the departmental level, local civil society and university partners, PEPFAR implementing partners, and
professional organizations and associations to improve the quality of HIV services delivered by HIV
provider teams. By changing provider attitudes and improving the quality of care, RISE-Haiti SPOTLIGHT
will help to reduce IIT and increase continuity of treatment among PLHIV. This, in turn, will lead to more
PLHIV on antiretroviral therapy (ART) that are virally suppressed.
Tables 1 and 2 show the distribution of the PLHIV population on ART, number of sites, and number of sites
with high IIT rates (>10%) by geographic department. RISE-Haiti SPOTLIGHT on-site support will be tailored
and customized to meet the needs of sites depending on factors including volume of PLHIV served and
performance on critical indicators including IIT and viral load suppression.

RISE-Haiti SPOTLIGHT is looking for a Haiti-based medical university providing pre-service and in-service
trainings for medical students to support program activities for nine months.

Description de taches

Description of Services to be provided:
The selected Recipient will partner with RISE-Haiti SPOTLIGHT to deliver an improved pre-service HIV
health professional curriculum and advocate for improvements to in-service trainings to reduce stigma
and bias. The selected recipient will be in close contact with RISE-Haiti SPOTLIGHT project staff and
consultants, as well as the PNLS and PLHIV and community (including key populations, youth, and other priority population) associations, networks, and advisory groups.
Delivering Improved HIV Provider Curriculum for Medical and Nursing Students. The Recipient will work with RISE to update pre-service modules and curriculum and embed the revised, PNLS-validated modules and materials into pre-service training for medical, nursing, and laboratory technician students. The Recipient will advise on ways to adapt and embed relevant topics (for example, on appreciative inquiry [AI] and strategies to improve patient/provider interactions) to training for medical students from other Haitian Universities, as well. This will assure a large pool of future social services students to be trained and informed on competencies that will reduce stigma attitudes towards PLHIV and teach them how to:
build the trust relationship that should be established between them and patients
Advocating for Improved HIV Provider Competencies.

The Recipient will participate in advocacy efforts,
through participation in stakeholder meetings and technical working groups with PLHIV, KP, CSO, and
provider associations, to further strengthen the pre-service and in-service training of health professionals
(medical doctor, nurses, lab technician) to deliver stigma-free, client-centered services. They may be
called upon to contribute to recommendations to PNLS and other stakeholders on ways to improve
national provider competencies, protocols, and standard operating procedures that guide the delivery of HIV services.

Eligibility Requirements
The Selected Recipient must demonstrate current experience providing pre-service training for HIV
providers and an approach for and ability to sustainability integrate PNLS materials on empathy and
stigma and bias reduction. The Applicant must be legally registered with the Government of Haiti and
have demonstrated experience in preparing students to enter the required social service.
In addition to the above, to participate in this selection process, the Applicant must possess the following:
? Legal Registration;
? Updated Tax Identification Number (TIN) Certificate;
? Validity of the proposal for 180 calendar days;
? Previous experience in similar types of work in Haiti;
? Demonstrated expertise and experience in achieving the requirements of the Program
Description; and
? Demonstrated proficiency in English language reading and writing skills.

Profil du consultant ou des consultants ou de la firme

See Attachement

Dossier d’appel d’offres

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