A 5 year-Country Plan ConsultancypourChristian Blind Mission| JobPaw.com

CBM Christoffel-Blindenmission Christian Blind Mission e.V. (CBM) is an organization working internationally for development aid. Based on Christian values, it works to improve the lives of people with disabilities and who live in the poorest regions of the world.
CBM not only provides medical aid and enables prevention and rehabilitation, it also works towards a comprehensive realization of human rights and the full social participation of people with disabilities. This includes opportunities for education and employment.
With its political work, CBM seeks to achieve that rights of people with disabilities are considered in development policies – and that this is also financed.
CBM is responsible for programs work in developing countries financed by donors and carried out by local implementing partner organizations.
CBM adds value by bundling powers and resources of people and institutions with same kind of interests. Moreover, CBM contributes its expert knowledge acquired over many years to issues involving development aid and disabilities. It therefore supplements and strengthens the commitment of its supporters.

Description de taches

The consultant will help CBM-Haiti Write their new 5 year country plan based on CBM Federation Strategy with a focus on local partnerships.
Specifically, the consultation should achieve the following objectives:
Support CBM-Haiti and its partners in carrying out an in-depth situational analysis based on CBM areas of intervention; which traces their internal and external factors and effectively demonstrates the gaps.
Support CBM-Haiti and partners carrying out a detailed SWOT analysis to identify our area of strengths and areas for improvement, then the opportunities and internal and external issues while taking into account CBM identity which includes his vision, mission, goals and values;
Support CBM-Haiti in making their own strategic development choices over a 5 years period in correlation with their identity, their technical expertise and experiences, their strategic capacity to mobilize resources while taking into account the challenges of the existing context.
Support CBM-Haiti in defining realistic action plans to operationalize the Strategic Plan during fixed periods; resulting from their strategic choices.
Support CBM-Haiti in the writing process of the final Five (5) year Country Plan document including all support documents. The Plan must also provide the process of review and adaptation to possible changes without forgetting the Monitoring and Evaluation plan.

Profil du consultant ou des consultants ou de la firme

Prior similar experiences: developing country plan for international NGOs
Working knowledge in English French and Haitian creole
At least 9 years of experiences in developing strategic plan for organizations
Great knowledge of focus group and individual interviews and SWOT analysis participative and innovative tools
Prior experience working with local organizations
Great communication skills
Knowledge of inclusion and Disability and what they means in practice

Dossier d’appel d’offres

Cliquer ici pour télécharger le dossier complet d’appel d’offres

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The Candidates will have to submit via email to Johanne.jean-louis@cbm.org by September 30th
2021 before 4:30 PM ( Haiti Time)