Rethinking Power (RP) Program – Endline Data CollectionpourThe Global Women s Institute of the George Washington University|

The Rethinking Power program has been implemented in several communities in La Valle de Jacmel since the beginning of 2017 and has reached the final phase, which is the Action phase of SASA! and Power to Girls. In addition, Global Women's Institute (GWI) conducted the baseline and midline data collection and analysis and the reports are available. As the final period of the program is approaching, GWI wants to recruit a local partner to conduct the data collection for the endline period of the impact evaluation.

Description de taches

Expected Local Research Institution Roles and Responsibilities (see in annex the detailed scope of work)
Quantitative Data Collection:
• Review and provide input on the household survey protocol (including research tools and consent forms).
• Provide input on the documents needed to obtain approval from the GW University’s Institutional Review Board and the Ministry of Health IRB.
• Hire and supervise local data collectors.
• Improve the creole version of the questionnaires if necessary.
• Print the questionnaire– or support/provide supplies for mobile data collection.
• Secure supplies and catering for the training.
• Pilot survey instruments and provide feedback to GWI. (one to two days)
• Conduct all the necessary activities to inform the community and get permission before the data collection (contact community leaders, lead community meetings, etc.)
• Co-facilitate the data collection training. (eight days of training)
• Provide data collectors with the necessary materials, payment and transportation for training and survey implementation
• Provide technical input for the development of sample frames, including obtaining/developing maps. The same sample frames and strategies from the baseline and midline data collection will be maintained.
• Update all the questionnaires already programmed on the tablets.
• Conduct the community-based survey (3000 households visited – 1500 households in each commune)
• Conduct Girl’s Club survey (320 girls surveyed at their Girl’s Clubs)
• Facilitate a self-administer school-based survey at 6 schools (720 completed self-administered questionnaires)
• Oversee data entry, data cleaning, and processing of survey results

Qualitative Data Collection:
• Conduct all the necessary activities to inform the community and get permission before the data collection (contact community leaders, lead community meetings, etc.)
• Review and provide input on focus group discussions and semi-structured interview guides
• Co-facilitate the data collection training (1-2 days during quantitative training)
• Provide data collectors with the necessary materials, payment and transportation for training and implementation
• Hire and supervise local data collectors
• Conduct a maximum of 30 FGDs (with community members) using participatory methods) and 40 in-depth interviews (with stakeholder) in 2 communes.

Profil du consultant ou des consultants ou de la firme

The technical experts or team must have:
- At least a master degree in Statistics, Public Health, other relevant Social Sciences degree, or related fields;
- At least three (3) years of experience and expertise in project development, project evaluation, and data collection;
- Proven expertise in data collection methodology;
- Proven expertise in mixed methodology (quantitative and qualitative);
- Experience working in difficult and rural areas;
- Expertise in electronic data collection (preferably with ODK Collect, CSEntry, or SurveySolution);
- Proven Expertise in manipulating statistical software for quantitative data management such as SPSS, R, Stata, etc.;
- Expertise in manipulating qualitative software such as Sonal, Atlas.ti, Nvivo, etc.;
- Strong analytical skills;
- Good knowledge of the GBV sector and experience related in Haiti;
- English is necessary. High proficiency in Creole or French is required.

Dossier d’appel d’offres

Cliquer ici pour télécharger le dossier complet d’appel d’offres

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Please submit your proposal to the Director of Research, Manuel Contreras at and cc: Senior Research Associate, Junior Ovince and Research Assistant, Elizabeth Rojas, respectively at and
Proposal Submission Date to GWI: November 15th, 2019