Identification de 25 enquêteurs ayant le profil de recevoir une formation sur SenseMaker pour réaliser une enquêtepourCARE Haiti|

Project Background

A number of development organizations including CARE, Oxfam, Mercy Corps, Catholic Relief Services (CRS), Cordaid, Rikolto as well as others increasingly recognize the complexity of the contexts in which they operate and the need to better understand participants' experiences in order to improve project design, implementation and results. Recent publications (Anderson et al, 2012; Barder, 2014; Blum, 2014; Watts et al, 2003; World Bank, 2014) have emphasized the need for a fundamental transformation in the way that development organizations deliver aid in a complex context. Ramalingam (2013) argues for a more systemic, adaptive, networked and dynamic approach requiring those engaged in the delivery of aid to listen, learn, and adapt their thinking, thereby enabling the emergence of co-created interventions and solutions.

USAID also recognizes that complexity-aware monitoring – which takes into consideration the complex human, social and political realities in which programming takes place- is distinct from performance monitoring as practiced by the agency and is intended to complement performance monitoring when used for complex aspects of projects and strategies, and that its consideration may strengthen practice.
Complex strategic and programmatic approaches and poor understanding of cause and effect relationships make it difficult to identify solutions, and therefore drafting detailed implementation plans in advance is difficult. Expected results may require refinement and revision as strategies as projects unfold. Projects (or parts of projects) that rely heavily on adaptive management to steer effectively in dynamic contexts, and projects that seek to influence social change or innovate to discover solutions are likely candidates for complexity-aware monitoring (USAID, 2016).

As part of its mandate, the Kore Lavi program has developed and established a voucher-based social safety net model in close collaboration with the Haitian Government – through the ministry of social affairs and labor. That safety net model targets the bottom 10% of the poorest households of the program’s intervention areas that were identified via a rigorous targeting process using the HDVI (Household Deprivation and Vulnerability Index) tool. The social safety net members benefit – on a monthly basis – a $25 USD voucher value that allows them to get access to local and nutritious food.

The program also placed a special emphasis on linking safety net beneficiaries to complementary services via Village Saving and Loan Associations (VSLA). Because of this, around 50% of the social safety net beneficiaries have participated in integrated VSLA activities – allowing them to get access to low-rate credit. Integrated VSLA activities combine savings and income generation to build financial resiliency and financial opportunity. A considerable percentage of those beneficiaries are now shareholders of VSLAs that have emerged into profitable collective enterprises.

Description de taches

Objective of the consultancy

The objective of this assignment is to use SenseMaker and the already developed signification framework to measure the resilience capacity of the KL safety net beneficiaries.

The consultant will be asked to collect narratives from targeted population in the region Southeast, Central Plateau, Upper Artibonite, Northwest and West.

Specifically, the consultant/facilitator/collector will be expected to:
• Participate in the training workshop and final field-testing to develop the competencies needed to co-facilitate the process and collect the data (5 days).
• Participate in the re-enforcement workshop about the final version of the signification framework and instructions related to the collection process (1 day)
• Facilitate the self-signification process with 750 participants and collect narratives and the corresponding data according to the methodological instructions and quality standards expected. (20 days)
• Transcribe the narratives in a Word document and deliver daily to the supervisor (daily).
• Participate in collective and individual feedback sessions during the collection process.
• Implement the recommendations given during the feedback sessions.
• Deliver a complete database, photos and a list of participants according to the sample list. (0.25 – 0.5 day per facilitator)
• Participate in an evaluation about the collection process (1 day).
• Participate in analysis and interpretation workshops and contribute to the analysis and interpretation of results (2 days).
• Keep (contracting organization) represented by the supervisors and/or project coordinator informed on the advances, difficulties and any adjustment made to the agreed collection process.
• Contribute to the development and improvement of the methodology and signification framework.

If the consultant is an organization or university and in charge of a team:
• Supervise fieldwork to ensure timely collection of quality data. This includes the management and safeguarding of handheld devices used for data collection.


1. Database with a minimum of 38 collected narratives using the approved Signification Framework for the pilot with the SenseMaker software module COLLECTOR®.
2. Edited transcriptions of 38 collected recorded narratives.
3. Report with the list of respondents compared to the original sample.
4. Photos taken during the process.
5. Contributions to the methodology and signification framework.
6. Contributions to the results analysis and interpretation.

Profil du consultant ou des consultants ou de la firme

The consultant is an organization or university and in charge of a team.

The consultant may be also called facilitator or collector.

Dossier d’appel d’offres

Cliquer ici pour télécharger le dossier complet d’appel d’offres

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The consultancy is expected to take no more than 15 working days beginning from the day of award of the consultancy.
The whole process is expected to be developed between April 22, 2019 and June 22, 2019.

NB: The interested parties must submit their application document (a CV, financial offer and copies of identity documents); either by Email on: or at CARE Central Office: 92 Gregoire Street, Petion-Ville, HAITI; at the latest on April 16, 2019 at 10: AM