Request for Applications (RFA) – Formative Audience Research to Inform Two Radio Serial Dramas for Social and Behavior Change in Haiti pourBloom S.A./Population Media Center|

Population Media Center (PMC), a US-based non-profit organization and its affiliate PMC Haiti are seeking proposals from qualified organizations to conduct formative audience research in Haiti on Family Planning, Reproductive Heath, Child Protection, Sexual and Gender-Based Violence, and Gender Equity as part of planning for two radio serial dramas

Description de taches

Based on preliminary findings of a situation analysis being drafted for PMC in Haiti, research tasks include:

1. Conducting key informant interviews
2. Conducting focus groups in Haitian Creole speaking communities
3. Creating a summary report and a Power Point presentation of results.

Profil du consultant ou des consultants ou de la firme

Population Media Center (PMC), a US-based non-profit organization.

Envoyer le pli à

The consultancy is expected to begin immediately. Please submit expressions of interest (EOI) to and cc: before 5 pm on Friday 20 July (EST time).

Autres remarques

A full Scope of Work (SOW) will be sent to those who submit an expression of interest. Submitting an expression of interest does not constitute a formal engagement to undertake the scope of work.