Request proposals to develop a digital system for data collect on tablets or smart phone pourFondasyon Kole Zepol|

Fonkoze is seeking proposals for development of a digital system that enables staff for its Chemen Lavi Miyò graduation program for families living in ultra-poverty to collect necessary data in the field on tablets or smart phone as described in the Terms of Reference.

Description de taches

Proposals should include:
• Brief description of the company’s experience and expertise;
• A description of the proposed process and timeline to fulfill the Terms of Reference;
• A financial proposal including ALL costs needed to complete the proposed activities.
All can be included in one pdf document.

Profil du consultant ou des consultants ou de la firme

Envoyer le pli à

Proposals will be received by e-mail only until July 2nd at 5:00 pm EST on the following e-mail addresses:,