Consultant in elaboration of supply chain manualpourSave the Children en Haiti|



Final decision on staffing and structure of PRODEV CO Supply Chain/logistics Unit will remain within the PRODEV Executive Director or Board as required.

Description de taches

• Using current and available capacity information identify the weaknesses, gaps and opportunities, taking into consideration PRPODEV s current and projected needs.
• Prepare an outline of a multi-faceted Supply Chain training plan, including a range of actions from procurement, fleet management, warehouse management, etc. The plan will consider a time frame of X weeks, and it will detail the required follow up actions and support required from SCI until November 2018.
• Within the SOPs for PRODEV, provide the required elements to ensure a “lean but robust” PRODEV structure to support programming needs for the PRODEV in Haiti.
• Determine how to best utilise the current resources available within PRODEV in order to meet the needs of current and projected programming needs.
• Based on PRODEV’s strategic plan and vision, and with particular focus on SC support needs, determine the required capacity building support required by PRODEV.
• Prepare a manual and a training plan.

The method of the needs/options assessment could include:

Desk Review and Research: The expert will review relevant documents. These will include, but will not be limited to, the following:

• PRODEV’s policies and guidelines
• PRODEV’s Program plans
• PRODEV’s Strategic Plan

The expert will also develop detailed methodology guides to be used during the assessment; these will include information on the current situation as well as identified gaps. The guides will be submitted to SCI and PRODEV and agreed upon if possible prior to commencement of fieldwork.

Collect info with PRODEV, SCI (others as required): Interviews with key PRODEV Resources in the field and management to determine the resources available or required to support and strengthen PRODEV’s operations.

Scope of Work: meet with (a) relevant PRODEV program staff members, (b) meet with PRODEV administration and management staff members. Such meetings will always be arranged in consultation with and through the Executive Director’s office, (c) prepare the manual d) prepare the training; and (e) provide the training to PRODEV Staff.

D. DELIVERABLES and TIMETABLE (To be revised depending on availability of team members)

Development of the work plan
To be submitted for comments and agreed upon
Development of the detailed methodology guides
To be submitted for comments and agreed upon
Submission of the manual, the proposed structure, a Power Point presentation
(outlining the major findings of the assessment, the changes made and the training provided)

No offer in US dollar will be accepted.

Profil du consultant ou des consultants ou de la firme

Qualification and Experience
• The Consultant must have proven experience in procurement and Supply Chain system within non-profit structures.
• The Consultant must have proven experience in training adults on procurement and Supply Chain.
• The Consultant must be available to work with SCI and PRODEV as part of its mandate. It must also demonstrate an ability to report effectively under the development of its mandate.
• The Consultant must have proven skills for the following functions: Procurement Management, Logistics and Supply Chain, and also having at least 5 years of experience,
• The consultant must provide proof of previous references as follows:
 At least one (1) copy of a procedure manual already written for other clients in the form of an electronic copy;
 References (phones and e-mail addresses) of previous customer.

F. Submission conditions:

• A cover letter

• A clearly detailed and paginated technical offer (maximum 6 pages) which includes work plan, methodoloy, chronogram, past experience and references, with CVs and copy of diplomas / license and certificate attached.

• It should be noted that the technical offer must be in three (3) documents: One (1) original document and two (2) copies;

• A detailed financial offer presented by deliverable

Dossier d’appel d’offres

Cliquer ici pour télécharger le dossier complet d’appel d’offres

Envoyer le pli à

Applicants will submit proposals no later than April 27, 2018 at 3:00 PM, only to the following address: 18, Rue Emeric, Bourdon, Pétion-Ville, Haiti.

Autres remarques

Any application sent via emails will be automatically rejected.
Child Safeguarding
We need to keep children safe so our selection process, which includes rigorous background checks, reflects our commitment to the protection of children from abuse.
Level 1: the post holder will not have contact with children and/or young people, or access to personal data about children or young people,