Design Study for the Proposed Jassa River Stabilization/Re-channelization Project, Fort LibertépourUSAID|Haiti/AVANSE|

AVANSE is an agricultural assistance project funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and implemented by Development Alternatives, Inc. (DAI). The goal of the project is to increase incomes for agricultural households in the region through the sustainable development of agriculture in the North of Haiti. One of the components of the AVANSE project is the rehabilitation, extension and/or improvement to irrigation and drainage to improve water management on the Plaine du Nord.

Description de taches

DAI seeks to engage a Haitian consultant firm to design a potential water management project. Under this SOW activities will include: PHASE ONE: (1) meetings with farmers; MARNDR, other GOH officials and stakeholders to collect information and build consensus about potential solutions; (2) carrying out rapid studies (feasibility, workplan/schedule, provisional cost estimates) on the four potential options to solve the problem; PHASE TWO: (3) following the selection of the best project option; (4) physical design survey; (5) hydrological, geohydrological and sediment transport studies; (6) soils studies; (7) an environmental/sustainability study; (8) proposed project structural design of channels, diversion/regulation structures, sediment traps, training and protection works; (9) proposed construction work unit cost analysis (UCA) and Engineer’s Estimate (EE); (10) required construction drawings and specifications; and (11) preliminary construction schedule.
The activities described in this Scope of Work document will be carried out by the sub-contracted Consultant with DAI/AVANSE subject matter expert (SME) participation, general oversight and specific direction. The work to be done will be performed on a priority timeline in 2017. The selected consultant shall provide regular progress reports. There will be significant consultant team effort and time spent in Cap Haitien and on site.

Profil du consultant ou des consultants ou de la firme

Interested and qualified consulting firms wishing to bid on the work shall contact the DAI/AVANSE Procurement Team as directed below to receive the full Scope of Work package and bidding instructions. Offers will be due electronically at: 2:00 PM AST, 26 September 2017.
The complete bidding documents will be available from Monday September 18, 2017.

Dossier d’appel d’offres

Cliquer ici pour télécharger le dossier complet d’appel d’offres

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Autres remarques

As a part of these activities, AVANSE had been requested by the community in and around the Ferrier Commune to intervene and alleviate a specific seasonal water management problem in the region that is affecting more than 750 ha of agricultural land. Farmers report that during the rainy and high water season, the Jassa River at its approximate confluence with the Liasa River and the Canari River, approximately 3.7 km northwest of Ouanaminthe City overflows its right bank and its flow diverts to the northeast into a drainage channel known as the Trop Plein which can overflow and cause flooding in the agricultural lands lying to the east of Ferrier Village all the way to the border with the Dominican Republic. For the past seven years, the diversion of Jassa River water into this Trop Plein channel also now regularly occurs in the low flow months as well and this coupled with less than ideal surface and ground water management practices means that there is a lack of certainty each year as to whether a) water will be always be available during low flow periods, and b) whether subsequent flooding will damage the planted fields.